Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner

Changelog 14.04.2015 - 11.05.2015 (150 fixes)

Spells (1)
#5149 Magistrate Burnside correctly casts this spell on enemies now.
Dungeons (4)
#2960 Dungeon minimum entering levels Minimum entry level for most dungeons has been fixed before release, with this update also high level dungeons have been corrected.
#4048 Stratholme The gate event in Stratholme will now reset after a party has been defeated by the rats or maggots.
#5792 Too Many Chests in Dungeons Pooled all chests in dungeons.
#3159 Zul'farrak Sl'lithuz Hatchling - now stay in cage
General (5)
#2831 Item Drop Chance Reworked all drop chances for random uncommon, rare and epic items for almost all Elite Mobs. Elite Mobs now have significantly better loot than non-elite creatures!
#3463 Open Fire Open fire will deal damage in proper radius.
#5115 Root Samples Can only be collected in the Barrens.
#5463 Warlock Class Quest Increased the drop chance for Lesser Infernal Stone required for the Enchanted Gold Bloodrobe.
#5839 Whirldwind shredders drop Corrected Whirlwind Stormwalker's and Whirldwind shredder's drop chance for Elemental Air.
Quests (27)
Classes - Rogue
#4724 Also Troll Rogues are now able to accept the quest.
Classes - Warrior
#5747 Corrected prerequisites for all Fire Hardened Mail quests.
Dungeons - Dire Maul
#6078 Corrected level requirement for this and all other DM book quests.
Eastern Kingdoms - Badlands
#4781 Added an emote after quest completion.
#4777 Corrected drop chance of the required item.
Eastern Kingdoms - Northern Stranglethorn
#5431 Corrected level requirement
#6040 Corrected quest description.
#4765 Corrected event text.
#4763 Corrected event text.
Eastern Kingdoms - Searing Gorge
#5465 Corrected level requirement
Eastern Kingdoms - Stormwind City
#5362 Fix Tapoke faction reset
Eastern Kingdoms - Swamp of Sorrows
#4816 Corrected droprate.
Eastern Kingdoms - Western Plaguelands
#2546 Add hard reset timer (25min) for Taelan
#3154 The quest is not repeatable anymore, so it's not possible to spawn multiple skeletons at the same time anymore.
Kalimdor - Ashenvale
#5130 Karang's Banner is not a turn-in requirement anymore.
Kalimdor - Desolace
#5544 Slightly adjusted drop rates for the keys.
Kalimdor - Durotar
#4741 Misha Tor'kren will start crying when you hand in the quest.
Kalimdor - Feralas
#5008 Reduced drop rate for Horn of Hatetalon.
Kalimdor - Northern Barrens
#5508 Blueleaf Tubers are now also lootable for Alliance characters.
Kalimdor - Stonetalon Mountains
#5334 Corrected level requirement.
Kalimdor - Un\'Goro Crater
#4887 Corrected event text.
Kalimdor - Winterspring
#5489 Corrected prerequisites for this quest.
Professions - Engineering
#6059 Added quest text.
#5918 Corrected level requirement.
Professions - Fishing
#1692 Riggle Bassbait will not disappear after first player reward quest, but will tell others to sell fishes to Jang.
#1692 Corrected start time.
#5802 The quest correctly awards exp now.
NPCs (88)
Alterac Mountains
#5863 Corrected quest script so the NPC walks instead of teleporting around.
Arathi Highlands
#3308 Are stealthed now
#5497 Removed Clam Meat from the list of goods he sells.
#5733 Corrected a wrong NPC text.
#5561 Will use the correct "Lightning Cloud" spell now.
#5459 Corrected AI
#4776 Added a script for this NPC
#4782 Will use his "Lock Down" ability now.
Blackfathom Deeps
#5319 Corrected damage
#5022 Corrected damage (as well as for almost all mobs inside and outside Blackfathom Deeps)
Blackrock Depths
Fix fire blast cast
#3595 Corrected damage
#2419 Fixed a bug that sometimes caused a group to get stuck in combat after the Emperor fight in BRD.
Blackrock Spire
#5778 Slightly adjusted drop rates for various items.
Blasted Lands
#4847 Helboars now have their Helboar aura (https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=12896)
#6172 Reduced usage frequency of her "Net" spell (as well as for many other NPCs).
Dire Maul
#6008 Corrected damage.
Dustwallow Marsh
#4832 Will now use Deadly Poison on their targets.
#4823 Will now use their Mirefin Fungus ability (https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?spell=9463)
#4842 Will now flee on low HP.
#4841 Will now flee on low HP.
#4839 Will now flee on low HP.
#4822 Will not flee on low HP anymore.
#5542 Corrected AI.
#5539 Corrected AI.
#5484 Entropic Horrors now have a fire aura.
#5485 Immolatus now has a Fire Shield.
#5520 Corrected AI.
#5530 Corrected movement speed.
#5519 Are stealthed now and correctly use their ability Slowing Poison.
#5482 Will not try to run away on low health anymore. Corrected the use frequency of the NPC's blink ability.
#5483 Will not try to run away on low health anymore.
#5584 Salia will now use her Mind Control ability only if engaged by two more players.
#4955 Will now flee on low HP.
#4953 Will now correctly use his Fire Nova Totem ability and flee on low HP.
#5010 Will now flee on low HP.
#5011 Will now flee on low HP.
#5012 Will now flee on low HP.
#5014 Will now flee on low HP.
#4441 Corrected faction.
#5341 Corrected AI.
#6044 Phase-shifted imps will not reset the combat anymore.
Redridge Mountains
#5081 Removed Explisive Sheep from the goods she sells.
Silverpine Forest
#1395 Corrected loot. Removed his specific item from all other NPCs.
Stormwind City
#5079 Fix faction reset problem
Stranglethorn Vale
#4769 Made this mob as annoying for casters as it is supposed to be.
#4770 Will now use his Flame Spike ability and flee on low HP.
#4772 Will now flee on low HP.
#4717 Will now enrage on low HP.
#4719 An emote will be played when Bangalash calls for aid.
#6012 Will now correctly use Smoke Bomb.
#6058 Correctly drops some herbs now.
#4757 Added a proper script for this NPC. Will now use all of her abilities correctly (Frostbolt, Frostbolt Volley, Flame Strike, Frost Armor).
#4718 Will now flee on low HP.
#4714 Added a proper script for this NPC.
#2832 Corrected loot.
Swamp of Sorrows
#4815 Has calmed down a bit and will "Break Stuff" only after turning in the quest "The Temple of Atal'Hakkar"
#4811 Will now call for help earlier.
#4810 Will use its Plague Cloud ability during the fight.
#4799 Added waypoints and two mobs to accompany him.
#4813 Will now flee on low HP.
#4860 Fixed an issue that sometimes caused Caliph Scorpidsting and his two adds to get separated.
#4854 Will now use their backstab ability.
The Barrens
#5072 Corrected the script for the quest Nugget Slugs.
The Hinterlands
#3319 Linked her with her two guards.
#1427 Corrected loot for three rare mobs that I had overlooked.
Un'Goro Crater
#4886 Has a Fire Shield now.
#4876 Added a script for the "Egg" ability of this NPC. The clutchmother will also call for help on low HP.
#5871 Corrected AI.
#4883 Added emote for the creature's death.
#4874 Will now poison its targets.
#4873 Will now call for help on 40% HP.
#4884 Has a Fire Shield now.
#5364 Corrected the cloning-emote.
#4867 Will now call for help on low HP.
Wailing Caverns
#4889 This NPCs will use the "clone" spell instead of the Evolving Ectoplasms in Wailing Caverns.
Western Plaguelands
#6029 Added immunity to bleeding effects.
#6030 Added immunity to bleeding effects.
#5943 Corrected damage according to vanilla videos.
#5498 Added a script for this NPC.
#5496 Will now enrage when going below 20% hp.
#5495 Will now use a ranged attack and drink Winterfall Firewater during a fight.
Multiple Locations
#5755 Corrected damage according to videos.
#3278 Removed several items from her goods that she did not sell before TBC.
Unknown Location
#5032 Corrected damage.
#5693 Spawn Sentinel Selarin when "escape throw force" or "escape throw stealth" complete
#4866 Will now flee on low HP.
#5803 Corrected damage according to 1.12 videos.
Items (20)
#6065 Does not drop from NPCs anymore.
#5503 Corrected item name.
#5500 Battered Junkbox will now always contain something (at least some money).
#6129 Corrected drop rate.
#6124 Add gold loot
#1791 Will now drop correctly after completing quest 5058.
#4935 Added this item as well as some other specific drops to the correct creatures' loot table and removed them from all other NPCs.
#2594 Dragon Finger and Glowstar Rod (https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?item=15281) will now grant the correct amount of spell damage / healing bonus.
#4168 Bubbly fissures have been added near the pendants.
#4725 Removed from high level mob's loot table.
#5288 Corrected drop chance.
#5287 Corrected drop chance.
#6150 Will now always contain loot.
#3012 Corrected model: Mr. Wiggles is not a turtle anymore.
#5559 Removed from all creatures' loot table but Rathorian's.
#2867 Can now only be mined from the nodes in the cave in Redridge.
#6033 Always contains loot now.
#5526 Corrected proc chance.
#5607 Will only drop from level 60+ elite mobs.
#5825 Are now obtainable independently from the quest they are used for.
Objects (5)
#3112 Remove double drop for Broodling Essence
#5956 Now respawns a few seconds after being looted.
#3865 All chests are now pooled.
#3633 Added a missing description for Valea Twinblade's statue in Scarlet Monastery.
#6032 Increased respawn time