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Quick Facts

Big Game Hunter

Hemet Nesingwary wants you to bring him the head of King Bangalash, the great white tiger.
Head of Bangalash

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Stranglethorn Vale.


<name>, you are a hunter worthy of our company. From the battlefields of Lordaeron to the deepest jungle, I have rarely witnessed such prowess with weaponry as you have demonstrated.

You have killed the ferocious Sin'Dall, the elusive Bag'thera and the treacherous Tethis. But the true prize is the head of King Bangalash. That white tiger is the reason I am here. I've had my sights on him for quite some time now. Kill King Bangalash and your hunting prowess is proven to be second to none.


You can choose one of these awards:
Master Hunter's Bow Master Hunter's Rifle


I see you're back, old bloke. King Bangalash has caused me to come crawling back to camp many times. Hang in there.


Bloody well done! Right-o! Congratulations, <name>, for succeeding where others have failed.

I am honored to count you as a comrade of our great hunting party here. No one will ever doubt your expertise in hunting and tracking!

Cheers to you, I say! Cheers!


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 5350 experience (at level 28) (0 32 10 at max. level)

