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Athena WoW banner
Quick Facts

Take Five Bases

Hold five bases in Arathi Basin at the same time, then return to Deathmaster Dwire in Hammerfall.
Hold Five Bases.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Arathi Highlands.


It is difficult to see, so deep we are in the conflict, but our spies report a weakening in the League of Arathor's resolve. We must use this window and strike a brutal blow against them! Return to Arathi Basin and throw yourself against our foes. Curse them and kill them and control all five strategic bases! Send their soldiers screaming and bleeding from the front lines, with stories of your cruelty on their mewling lips.

Do this, and score a great victory for the Defilers.


You will receive:
Battle Tabard of the Defilers


The cries of the Alliance as you and your compatriots attacked them could be heard even from here, <name>. I can almost pity them for the pain and fear you delivered to their ranks. Almost, but not quite.

Your value to the Defilers is without question. Your deeds in Arathi Basin have been most impressive, and have echoed among the chambers of Varimathras... and the Dark Lady herself.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 9950 experience (at level 60) (5 97 0 at max. level)
  • 200 Reputation with The Defilers

