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Vilebranch Hooligans

Smith Slagtree at Revantusk Village in the Hinterlands wants you to find Slagtree's Lost Tools. Return to him once this task is complete.

You recall Smith Slagtree mentioning that the tools might be at one of the Vilebranch temples in the northeastern region of the Hinterlands. You should also check Skulk Rock.
Slagtree's Lost Tools

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in The Hinterlands.


Vilebranch scum invaded our village and stole my tools! I have backup tools but the set they stole was a gift given to me by a kind hearted gnome that saved my life when I was a young orc.

I want those tools back, <name> - they mean the world to me.

Markhor reported that the tools were spotted near the Agol'watha and Shaol'watha temples.

Those temples are in the northeastern region of the Hinterlands.

Recover my tools!


Watch out for the Vilebranch trolls of the region, <name>. They are ruthless, murderous filth.


My tools! You found them! Oh glorious day! Thank you, <name>.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 4400 experience (at level 44) (0 26 40 at max. level)
  • 100 Reputation with Revantusk Trolls

