Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner

Changelog 10.08.2014 - 17.08.2014 (23 fixes)

Spells (7)
Corrected health regeneration percentage and regeneration timer.
#2775 Will no longer benefit from Spell Damage.
#881 Corrected damage output for the second target.
Now properly stops moving creatures.
This talent is now working as intended.
#2794 Cannot be abused anymore.
Changed health, armor, damage and level stats to correct numbers.
Mechanics (2)
#2793 Hunter Traps Alliance and Horde Battle Standards as well as Shaman Totems will no longer prevent Hunter Traps from working properly.
Movement Speed Decreasing or increasing player movement speed no longer causes any desynchronization.
General (1)
Ranged AI Implemented more advanced AI for casting and ranged creatures.
NPCs (9)
Dun Morogh
No longer casts Lightning Bolt. Added Fireball instead.
Stranglethorn Vale
Will now properly use Lightning Bolt instead of Throw.
Added AI and missing spells.
Added AI and missing spells.
Added AI and missing spells.
Added AI and missing spells.
Added AI and missing spells.
The Barrens
#2789 Added AI and missing spells.
Unknown Location
#2792 Will now behave like a proper totem.
Items (4)
Causes additional threat as intended.
No longer sleeps attackers above level 50.
#2795 Players are now able to use this trinket while shapeshifted.
#33 Fixed all possible triggerable spells.