Helios WoW banner
Athena WoW banner
Quick Facts

Restoring Fiery Flux Supplies via Kingsblood

Deliver 2 Incendosaur Scales, 4 Kingsblood and one Coal to Master Smith Burninate.
Incendosaur Scale (2)
Kingsblood (4)

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in Searing Gorge.


Let's not waste more of my precious time with jibber jabber, <name>. It's time to focus on replenishing our dwindling fiery flux supply.
What I'm gonna need from you is the following:

*2 Incendosaur scales.
*4 Kingsblood.
*1 Coal.

I'll take all that you can offer!
And you'll do it fast if you wanna get in good with the Brotherhood.


Let's not waste more of my precious time with jibber jabber, <race>. It's time to focus on replenishing our dwindling fiery flux supply.

What I'm gonna need from you is the following:

*Incendosaur scales.



I'll take all that you can offer!

And you'll do it fast if you wanna get in good with the Brotherhood.


There's always room for more fiery flux, junior. Keep it comin'... unless I tell you to stop.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:

