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Quick Facts
Open Quests

Goblin Invaders

Kill 15 Venture Co. Loggers, then return to Seereth Stonebreak on the border of Stonetalon and the Barrens.

Relevant Locations

This NPC or object can be found in The Barrens.


The goblin-run Venture Company moved into the Stonetalon Mountains, chopping down trees and burning huge stretches of forest. The spirits of this place are nearly blind with pain and rage. We must stop the Venture Company!

Head northwest, beyond the Greatwood Vale and into the Windshear Crag. You will find the goblins and their servants at work--show them the Horde will not allow the exploitation of Stonetalon. Show them in the language they best understand...



The Greatwood Vale lies to the northwest, <name>. Go. Strike fear into those who would pillage this land!


Bravely done, <name>.

We may ultimately need the wisdom of tauren elders to calm the spirits of Stonetalon, but...

Ridding the Venture Company of its personnel is a good first move against them.


Upon completion of this quest you will gain:
  • 1450 experience (at level 13) (0 8 70 at max. level)
  • 100 Reputation with Orgrimmar

